The key to all rodents heart is through their stomach! Feeding them the right and delicious diet would keep them healthy and happy! Rodipet provides main foods, flowers and leaves, seeds and snacks to fulfil your little one's appetite!
Roots, tubes, bridges and hiding places - the rodents can pursue their need for security and satisfy their curiosity. When exploring their rodent home or their run, they love to scurry along the various furnishings and venture from A to B in a sheltered manner.
We find comfort when we jump into our beds after a long day, so as our pets!
From miscanthus, hemp, birch beddings to 5 different types of fragrant herbs bedding toppers, black forest hay and bathing sand - you're able to curate a comfy and desirable home for your little one.
Home sweet home…
As prey animals, wild rodents and rabbits depend on safe hiding places - instinctively create burrows or entire tunnel system. Rodipet houses provides your little one with shelter and adventures!