Inspired by our beautiful New Zealand environment, guided by world leading science, K9 Natural provides the Best Blends of Nature in nutrition for dogs and cats. We combine only the best ingredients to create a high-meat diet packed with energy and nutrients. GRAIN FREE. We only use sustainable, free-range, and grass-fed ingredients. With taste a top priority, our truly unique blends of dog food and cat food are ones that your pet will crave.

We offer affordable natural pet care that's safe, effective and ethical.
Pets want to play, run, cuddle and kiss, imagine a world where they can live their lives to the fullest! Run in the woods, without fearing fleas and ticks, leaping up stairs without hurting joints, roll in the grass without allergies and sleep at night without pain and aches.
Conventional pet products don’t focus on the needs of our pets.
These low cost options are made with chemicals and heavy processing for profits.
Pet's deserves better, and pet parents deserve products designed for solutions before profits.
Made ethically from natural ingredients you know and understand.
Natural . Planet-friendly . Safe+Effective